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Another CAML Tool: CAML Viewer

Stramit has posted his new CAML Viewer Tool, this tool with U2U CAML builder tool makes a great set for sharepoint developers.


Download it from here

U2U CAML Builder

U2U great guys released this wonderful CAML Builder tool

Find this Post on Patrick’s blog

What is the CAML Builder?

CAML itself is the abbreviation of Collaborative Application Markup Language. It is an XML-based query language that helps you querying, building and customizing Web sites based on Windows SharePoint Services. The XML elements define various aspects of a WSS site. In the first version of our CAML Builder tool, only the query aspect of CAML is worked out. The tool will help you build, test and execute your CAML queries.

We provide you with two things:

  1. A Windows application you can use to connect to your portal or team site and build your CAML query string in a WYSIWYG manner. (U2UCamlCreator.exe)
  2. A small assembly you can reference helping you with the execution of your CAML query string within your code. (U2U.SharePoint.CAML.Server.dll)

CAML builder is downloadable from our SharePoint site. You just unzip the file and start working with it. We will work out an official article with more guidance info on the stuff you can do with CAML and the tool. But for the moment, if you want to start, here is a small walkthrough demonstrating the possible use of the tool.

WSS Free Charting Web Part

The Chart Web Part can be used to generate charts in the Windows SharePoint Services environment. The Web Part supports data coming from XML files and Web Part Connections, and it generates charts as either an server-side images or as VML. This Web Part works great in complementing the Data View Web Part to provide a powerful data reporting story

Get it from here

SharePoint Stress Testing with ACT

Via James Edelen

Testing SharePoint is and incredibly important part of capacity planning. There is nothing worse than spending weeks or months implementing a solution and it not being able to handle the required load. Using a tool like ACT will enable you to test your hardware before production in order to ensure that it will perform as expected. It will also let you more easily discover bottlenecks in your system before going live. You can watch performance counters on your servers while stress testing to find bottlenecks.

Read it here

new Sharepoint Samples on GotDotNet

MSDN Webcast: Programming SharePoint Site Lists and Document Libraries

MSDN Web Case by Mike Fitzmaurice

This session covers key aspects of SharePoint programming in depth, including how to develop smart clients, server-to-server processes, Web Parts, and document library event handlers that make use of documents and list items stored in SharePoint sites. The discussion will include demonstrations of these techniques using several examples, complete with source code. 

Register for it here

Sharepoint Web Parts and ASP.NET2

As ASP.NET 2 provided web parts most of sharepoint developers wondered if the next versions of SPS will bases on it ? and will the current developed web parts will work fine on the next version ?

Mike in this post explains this and YESSSS although the next version will be based on ASP.NET 2 web parts but it will be support the current OM which means our web parts will work just fine there too 🙂

Also Mike is talking about SP2 which will provide the possibility of coexistance of WSS and ASP.NET2 runtime on the same machine

Build your applications to be BPEL compliant

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) for Web services provides a standard, portable language of business-process automation and development of "composite applications"—business applications—based on a set of multiple interacting services. BPEL builds on a decade of progress in the areas of business process management (BPM), workflow, and integration technologies and is supported on both the .NET and Java platforms.

Read the full article here


Domain Specific Language (DSL)

Using the Microsoft DSL tools you can create your own designer, integrated into Visual Studio, for a visual domain-specific language. The tools help you define the domain-specific language and generate the code of a graphical designer for you. The resulting designer uses the same underlying modeling technology that is used by the Class Designer and Distributed System Designers in Visual Studio 2005.

Read More

WSH To Acces Sharepoint Web Services

Ian Morrish Posted a nice script that consumes the Sharepoint Web Services.

strEndPointURL = "http://www.wssdemo.com/_vti_bin/lists.asmx"
strListName = "{4128F102-2E27-49E9-940E-320398E854DD}"
Set objSOAPConnector = CreateObject("MSOSOAP.HttpConnector30")
with objSOAPConnector
 .Property("EndPointURL") = strEndPointURL
 .Property("SoapAction") = strSoapAction
End With
Set objSOAPSerializer = CreateObject("MSOSoap.SoapSerializer30")
with objSOAPSerializer
 .StartElement "GetListItems", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"
 .StartElement "listName", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"
 .StartElement "rowLimit", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"
End With
Set objResponseReader = CreateObject("MSOSOAP.SoapReader30")
Wscript.echo objResponseReader.Body.xml